Kings Mountain Family YMCA Memberships – Cleveland County YMCA (2024)

Adult (18-25)

This membership allows one adult between the age of 18-25

[{"label": "Dependent","max": 0,"min_age": 0,"max_age": 17},{"label": "Adults","max": 1,"min_age": 18,"max_age": 25},{"label": "Adults","max": 0,"min_age": 26,"max_age": 99}]$ 25.00$ 29.00 / monthly

Adult (18-25) Plus

This membership can ONLY have 1 Adult between the ages of 19-25This membership is allowed to visit other branches without incurring any additional fees

[{"label": "Dependent","max": 0,"min_age": 0,"max_age": 17},{"label": "Adults","max": 1,"min_age": 18,"max_age": 25},{"label": "Adults","max": 0,"min_age": 26,"max_age": 99}]$ 25.00$ 34.00 / monthly

Adult (26-30)

This membership allows one adult between the age of 26-30.

[{"label": "Dependent","max": 0,"min_age": 0,"max_age": 25},{"label": "Adults","max": 1,"min_age": 26,"max_age": 30},{"label": "Adults","max": 0,"min_age": 31,"max_age": 99}]$ 25.00$ 38.00 / monthly

Adult (26-30) Plus

This membership can ONLY have 1 Adult between the ages of 26-30This membership is allowed to visit other branches without incurring any additional fees

[{"label": "Dependent","max": 0,"min_age": 0,"max_age": 25},{"label": "Adults","max": 1,"min_age": 26,"max_age": 31}]$ 25.00$ 43.00 / monthly

Adult (31-59)

This membership can ONLY have 1 Adult between the ages of 31-59This membership IS NOT allowed to visit other branches without incurring any additional fees

[{"label": "Dependent","max": 0,"min_age": 0,"max_age": 30},{"label": "Adults","max": 1,"min_age": 31,"max_age": 59},{"label": "Adults","max": 0,"min_age": 60,"max_age": 99}]$ 25.00$ 46.00 / monthly

Adult Plus (18-25)

This membership can ONLY have 1 Adult between the ages of 19-25This membership will be allowed to visit other branches without incurring any additional fees

[{"label": "Dependent","max": 0,"min_age": 0,"max_age": 17},{"label": "Adults","max": 1,"min_age": 18,"max_age": 25},{"label": "Adults","max": 0,"min_age": 26,"max_age": 99}]$ 25.00$ 34.00 / monthly

Adult Plus (26-30)

This membership can ONLY have 1 Adult between the ages of 26-30This membership is allowed to visit other branches without incurring any additional fees

[{"label": "Dependent","max": 0,"min_age": 0,"max_age": 25},{"label": "Adults","max": 1,"min_age": 26,"max_age": 30},{"label": "Adults","max": 0,"min_age": 31,"max_age": 99}]$ 25.00$ 43.00 / monthly

Adult Plus (31-59)

This membership can ONLY have 1 Adult between the ages of 31-59This membership is allowed to visit other branches without incurring any additional fees

[{"label": "Dependent","max": 0,"min_age": 0,"max_age": 30},{"label": "Adults","max": 1,"min_age": 31,"max_age": 59},{"label": "Adults","max": 0,"min_age": 60,"max_age": 99}]$ 25.00$ 51.00 / monthly

Adult-Global Monthly

This membership allows ONE Adult.This membership allows access to ALL branches.This membership includes golf access at the River Bend Branch. (Green fees included - DOES NOT include Cart fees)

[{"label":"Adults","max":"1","min_age":"18","max_age":"99"}]$ 500.00$ 105.00 / monthly

Adult-Global Yearly

This membership allows ONE Adult.This membership allows access to ALL branches.This membership includes golf access at the River Bend Branch. (Green fees included - DOES NOT include Cart fees)

[{"label":"Dependent","max":"0","min_age":"0","max_age":"17"},{"label":"Adults","max":"1","min_age":"18","max_age":"99"}]$ 500.00$ 1197.00 / annually

Family Global Yearly

This membership allows a couple and children between the ages 0-26.This membership allows access to ALL branches.This membership includes golf access at the River Bend Branch. (Green fees included - DOES NOT include Cart fees)

[{"label":"","max":"10","min_age":"0","max_age":"99"}]$ 500.00$ 1425.00 / annually

Family Membership Plus

This membership allows a couple and children between the ages of 0-26.This membership allows access to other branches without incurring additional fees.

[{"label": "Dependent","max": 10,"min_age": 0,"max_age": 26},{"label": "Adults","max": 2,"min_age": 27,"max_age": 99}]$ 25.00$ 82.00 / monthly

Family-Global Monthly

This membership allows a couple and children between the ages 0-26.This membership allows access to ALL branches.This membership includes golf access at the River Bend Branch. (Green fees included - DOES NOT include Cart fees)

[{"label":"Dependent","max":"10","min_age":"0","max_age":"26"},{"label":"Adults","max":"6","min_age":"27","max_age":"99"}]$ 500.00$ 125.00 / monthly

Family-Global Yearly

This membership allows a couple and children between the ages 0-26.This membership allows access to ALL branches.This membership includes golf access at the River Bend Branch. (Green fees included - DOES NOT include Cart fees)

[{"label":"Dependent","max":"10","min_age":"0","max_age":"26"},{"label":"Adults","max":"6","min_age":"27","max_age":"99"}]$ 500.00$ 1425.00 / annually


This membership allows a couple and children between the ages of 0-26.This membership allows a live-in Nanny, Disabled Children or Elderly Parents. (All must live in the home)

[{"label": "Dependent","max": 10,"min_age": 0,"max_age": 26},{"label": "Adults","max": 6,"min_age": 27,"max_age": 99}]$ 25.00$ 79.00 / monthly

Household Plus

This membership allows a couple and children between the ages of 0-26.This membership allows a live-in Nanny, Disabled Children or Elderly Parents. (All must live in the home)This membership allows access to other branches without incurring additional fees.

[{"label": "Dependent","max": 10,"min_age": 0,"max_age": 26},{"label": "Adults","max": 6,"min_age": 27,"max_age": 99}]$ 25.00$ 89.00 / monthly

KM Family

Family membership for KM Branch only

[{"label": "Adults","max": 2,"min_age": 26,"max_age": 99},{"label": "Dependent","max": 10,"min_age": 0,"max_age": 25}]$ 25.00$ 59.00 / monthly

KM Household Membership

*Household Membership type for Kings Mountain YMCA only*Membership can have up to 3 adults, ages 19-99, and 6 dependents, ages 0-25.

[{"label": "Adults","max": 3,"min_age": 26,"max_age": 99},{"label": "Dependent","max": 6,"min_age": 0,"max_age": 25}]$ 25.00$ 69.00 / monthly


Non- Member

[{"label": "Dependent","max": 10,"min_age": 0,"max_age": 26},{"label": "Adults","max": 6,"min_age": 27,"max_age": 99}]$ 0.00FREE

Senior (60+)

This membership allows ONE Senior age 60 or over.This membership does not allow access to other branches without charging additional fees.Members will be charged $2.00 to attend other branches.

[{"label": "Dependent","max": 0,"min_age": 0,"max_age": 18},{"label": "Adults","max": 0,"min_age": 19,"max_age": 59},{"label": "Seniors","max": 1,"min_age": 60,"max_age": 99}]$ 25.00$ 39.00 / monthly

Senior Couple- Global

This membership allows a Senior Couple ONLY.This membership allows access to ALL branches.This membership includes golf access at the River Bend Branch. (Green fees included - DOES NOT include Cart fees)

[{"label":"Dependent","max":"0","min_age":"0","max_age":"17"},{"label":"Adults","max":"0","min_age":"18","max_age":"59"},{"label":"Seniors","max":"2","min_age":"60","max_age":"99"}]$ 500.00$ 108.00 / monthly

Senior Membership Plus

This membership allows ONE adult age 60 or over.This membership does allow access to other branches without charging additional fees.

[{"label": "Dependent","max": 0,"min_age": 0,"max_age": 18},{"label": "Adults","max": 0,"min_age": 19,"max_age": 59},{"label": "Seniors","max": 1,"min_age": 60,"max_age": 99}]$ 25.00$ 44.00 / monthly

Senior Plus (60+)

This membership allows ONE adult age 60 or over.This membership does allow access to other branches without charging additional fees.

[{"label": "Dependent","max": 0,"min_age": 0,"max_age": 18},{"label": "Adults","max": 0,"min_age": 19,"max_age": 59},{"label": "Seniors","max": 1,"min_age": 60,"max_age": 99}]$ 25.00$ 44.00 / monthly

Single Adult Yearly (Golf Only)

This membership allows ONE Adult.This membership DOES NOT allow access to ALL branches.This membership includes GOLF ONLY at the River Bend Branch. (Green fees included - DOES NOT include Cart fees)

[{"label":"Dependent","max":"0","min_age":"0","max_age":"17"},{"label":"Adults","max":"1","min_age":"18","max_age":"99"}]$ 500.00$ 799.00 / annually
Kings Mountain Family YMCA Memberships – Cleveland County YMCA (2024)


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Author: Wyatt Volkman LLD

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Views: 6517

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Author information

Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

Birthday: 1992-02-16

Address: Suite 851 78549 Lubowitz Well, Wardside, TX 98080-8615

Phone: +67618977178100

Job: Manufacturing Director

Hobby: Running, Mountaineering, Inline skating, Writing, Baton twirling, Computer programming, Stone skipping

Introduction: My name is Wyatt Volkman LLD, I am a handsome, rich, comfortable, lively, zealous, graceful, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.