MDG in the USA, take 3 - Forum (2024)

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MDG in the USA, take 3 - Forum (4)

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MDG in the USA, take 3 - Forum (6)
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MDG in the USA, take 3 - Forum (7)

2024/08/06 19:48:23

Subject: MDG in the USA, take 3

MDG in the USA, take 3 - Forum (10)

Mad Doc Grotsnik

MDG in the USA, take 3 - Forum (11)
Ridin' on a Snotling Pump Wagon

How do!

So with the recent unpleasantness mostly behind me, and a significant, life changing* inheritance to follow? I’m gonna return to the USA for another holiday.

I had a great time in New York, and wouldn’t say no to a return visit. But I’m also open to visiting other cities. And so it’s to Dakka I turn for suggestions and recommendations.

What I’m looking for is a bit of Americana. And perhaps a State/County which will allow a visitor to fire some guns down a range. Oh, and fooooood. Being half Labrador, I’m very food driven. I fell in love with Grits in NYC, but I’m aware they probably weren’t a great representation of downhome cooking,

Only down side is being a pasty Scot’s git, I don’t do terribly well in humidity. So if I’m to explore the South, I guess I’d have to pick my season! Definitely want another crack at Dave & Busters, too. Love a good coin pusher, me. Round One is also on I wouldn’t say no to trying.

*I’ll still need to work, but I’ll soon be a mortgage and rent free home owner, hence life changing.

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MDG in the USA, take 3 - Forum (14)
MDG in the USA, take 3 - Forum (15)

2024/08/06 20:56:43

Subject: MDG in the USA, take 3

MDG in the USA, take 3 - Forum (18)

Manfred von Drakken

MDG in the USA, take 3 - Forum (19)
Tzeentch Aspiring Sorcerer Riding a Disc


Southern New Hampshire

MDG in the USA, take 3 - Forum (20)Mad Doc Grotsnik wrote:
How do!

So with the recent unpleasantness mostly behind me, and a significant, life changing* inheritance to follow? I’m gonna return to the USA for another holiday.

I had a great time in New York, and wouldn’t say no to a return visit. But I’m also open to visiting other cities. And so it’s to Dakka I turn for suggestions and recommendations.

What I’m looking for is a bit of Americana. And perhaps a State/County which will allow a visitor to fire some guns down a range. Oh, and fooooood. Being half Labrador, I’m very food driven. I fell in love with Grits in NYC, but I’m aware they probably weren’t a great representation of downhome cooking,

Only down side is being a pasty Scot’s git, I don’t do terribly well in humidity. So if I’m to explore the South, I guess I’d have to pick my season! Definitely want another crack at Dave & Busters, too. Love a good coin pusher, me. Round One is also on I wouldn’t say no to trying.

*I’ll still need to work, but I’ll soon be a mortgage and rent free home owner, hence life changing.

I'm a little biased, but New England is pretty good for food. We don't get as much sun as the South, but it can be humid in the summer. And parts of New Hampshire and Maine like to think they're in the South, so you shouldn't have much trouble finding a gun range, either.


"There are no problems that cannot be solved with cannons." - Chief Engineer Boris Krauss of Nuln
MDG in the USA, take 3 - Forum (21) MDG in the USA, take 3 - Forum (22) MDG in the USA, take 3 - Forum (23)

Kid_Kyoto wrote:"Don't be a dick" and "This is a family wargame" are good rules of thumb.


MDG in the USA, take 3 - Forum (26)MDG in the USA, take 3 - Forum (27)

2024/08/06 21:07:38

Subject: MDG in the USA, take 3

MDG in the USA, take 3 - Forum (30)

Mad Doc Grotsnik

MDG in the USA, take 3 - Forum (31)
Ridin' on a Snotling Pump Wagon


I’ve been to Maine, but like….1994.

Was very nice, and reminded me of Scotland in terms of landscape.

Fed up of Scalpers? But still want your Exclusives? Why not join us?

This year, I’m doing something Hobby every single day. This is a blog of my progress

MDG in the USA, take 3 - Forum (34)MDG in the USA, take 3 - Forum (35)

2024/08/07 01:43:49

Subject: MDG in the USA, take 3

MDG in the USA, take 3 - Forum (38)


MDG in the USA, take 3 - Forum (39)
.. .-.. .-.. ..- -- .. -. .- - ..


Toowoomba, Australia


Can stay Cape Canaveral and see the NASA facilities, and stay on the beach few days.

Orlando - Universal/Disney. Looking back 5 years I enjoyed both, but didn't give enough time to Universal Studios and should have had a second day.

Just not in Summer.
We were there early to Mid December and there were a few cold (12 degrees Celsius max) but most were mid 20s.

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MDG in the USA, take 3 - Forum (42)MDG in the USA, take 3 - Forum (43)

2024/08/07 03:45:44

Subject: Re:MDG in the USA, take 3

MDG in the USA, take 3 - Forum (46)


MDG in the USA, take 3 - Forum (47)
Grim Dark Angels Interrogator-Chaplain


A Protoss colony world

You could always come to my neck of the woods in Missouri. Kansas City is a great place to get BBQ food, and our national World War 1 museum is pretty cool too. St. Louis has the Gateway Arch and if you're interested in baseball you could (depending on season) grab tickets to a Cardinals game. To be fair there are probably better places in the US to go though. I live in a pretty boring area myself.

My armies (re-counted and updated on 11/1/23, including modeled wargear options):
Dark Angels: MDG in the USA, take 3 - Forum (48) ~15000 Astra Militarum: MDG in the USA, take 3 - Forum (49) ~1200 | Adeptus Custodes: MDG in the USA, take 3 - Forum (50) ~1900 | Imperial Knights: MDG in the USA, take 3 - Forum (51) ~2000 | Sisters of Battle: MDG in the USA, take 3 - Forum (52) ~3500 | Leagues of Votann: MDG in the USA, take 3 - Forum (53) ~1200 | Tyranids: MDG in the USA, take 3 - Forum (54) ~2600 | Stormcast Eternals: MDG in the USA, take 3 - Forum (55) ~5000
Check out my P&M Blogs: | Imperial Knights blog | Board Games blog | Total models painted in 2023: 40 | Total models painted in 2024: 15 | Current main painting project: Kruleboyz Spearhead

MDG in the USA, take 3 - Forum (56)Mr_Rose wrote:
Who doesn’t love crazy mutant squawk-puppies? Eh? Nobody, that’s who.

MDG in the USA, take 3 - Forum (59)MDG in the USA, take 3 - Forum (60)

2024/08/07 05:58:13

Subject: MDG in the USA, take 3

MDG in the USA, take 3 - Forum (63)

Bran Dawri

MDG in the USA, take 3 - Forum (64)
Wolf Guard Bodyguard in Terminator Armor

Florida's good. You can also take a tour around the Everglades including going on one of those littke boats with giant fans on top for propulsion. Good fun if a bit noisy.

Stay away from Seaworld though. While I'm generally ambivalent about zoos (I don't like cages, but zoos do good work in both preservation efforts and education), Seaworld's animal enclosures are so small it's animal
abuse, especially for the dolphins and orcas, and doubly especially considering the size of the parking lot.

Alternatively, you could try Texas. Houston has the NASA control center, and you'll definitely be able to fire some guns.
Additionally, Tex-Mex is delicious, Texas BBQ is excellent (though ideally with a couple of cowboys out in the woods somewhere), and if you get close to Louisiana/Mississippi Cajun food is also highly recommended.
And outside the city, the famed Southern hospitality is definitely not a myth.

MDG in the USA, take 3 - Forum (67)MDG in the USA, take 3 - Forum (68)

2024/08/07 15:48:15

Subject: MDG in the USA, take 3

MDG in the USA, take 3 - Forum (71)

Easy E

MDG in the USA, take 3 - Forum (72)
Battlefield Tourist


MN (Currently in WY)

Cody, Wyoming and then to Yellowstone for a few days, followed by a few days in Jackson and the Grand Tetons, and then travel down into some of the other National Parks in Colorado or Utah or up into Glacier in Montana.

For extra fun, rent an small RV or Camper van and skip hotels and the like completely.

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MDG in the USA, take 3 - Forum (75)MDG in the USA, take 3 - Forum (76)

2024/08/08 01:29:44

Subject: MDG in the USA, take 3

MDG in the USA, take 3 - Forum (79)


MDG in the USA, take 3 - Forum (80)
Legendary Master of the Chapter



MDG in the USA, take 3 - Forum (81)Easy E wrote:
Cody, Wyoming and then to Yellowstone for a few days, followed by a few days in Jackson and the Grand Tetons, and then travel down into some of the other National Parks in Colorado or Utah or up into Glacier in Montana.

For extra fun, rent an small RV or Camper van and skip hotels and the like completely.

Yellowstone and the Tetons are stunning. There are also some amazing national parks in Utah and Colorado. Also, some great archaeological sites, some with ruins.

I/ve got some Dropfleet Commander kitbashes now.

MDG in the USA, take 3 - Forum (84)MDG in the USA, take 3 - Forum (85)

2024/08/08 13:08:18

Subject: MDG in the USA, take 3

MDG in the USA, take 3 - Forum (88)


MDG in the USA, take 3 - Forum (89)
Hangin' with Gork & Mork


If food and atmosphere is what you seek I would say New Orleans.

Amidst the mists and coldest frosts he thrusts his fists against the posts and still insists he sees the ghosts.

MDG in the USA, take 3 - Forum (92)MDG in the USA, take 3 - Forum (93)

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MDG in the USA, take 3 - Forum (2024)


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